Thursday, December 15, 2016

Affordable, Solar power, for homeowners in NYC has arrived. It's about time.

(STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- As of Jan. 1, the city will speed up approval of most small-scale solar panel installations on one- and two-family homes on Staten Island and in the other four boroughs, Department of Buildings (DOB) commissioner Rick Chandler announced Thursday.
"Applications for the installation of solar panels have skyrocketed since the beginning of Mayor de Blasio's administration, and that's a great thing for our city's environment," Chandler said. "We're acting to meet this demand and encourage even more investment in sustainable energy.")

Me, "Affordable, Solar power, for homeowners in NYC has arrived. It's about time. With new installations going up on a lot of vacant roofs its a win win for the homeowner as well as the electric company. The homeowner gets paid from the electric company, for any excess power his solar panels generate that he does not use and the electric company gets back up power. The electric company can then use this excess power to run power plants at lower levels. Meaning less CO2 emissions."

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