Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Danger of Losing Bees.

From article, "A Real Buzzkill"

(Imagine entering your local grocery store only to learn that everyday items like coffee, apples, milk and butter are out of stock – permanently. This might seem absurd. But it could soon happen. 
All of these foods have one thing in common: They depend on pollination from honeybees. But thanks in part to the rampant use of powerful pesticides, known as neonicotinoids, these busy bees are quickly vanishing. 
Despite calls from food experts everywhere, U.S. regulators are letting Big Agriculture continue its chemical attack on America's food supply. It's high time regulators ban neonicotinoids.)

Me, "Scary. We need bees for pollination. And we need new rules on pesticides to make sure new and present pesticides are not killing them. I know these manufacturers have a lot of money invested in these new pesticides but if we run out of food the point is mute, right?

Update: I should also point out that there has been movement in the past few months to restrict and even ban some of these pesticides. People are realizing some pesticides are bad for beneficial insects, like Bees."

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