Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Relax your Pacemaker Wont Go Off When you Drive These EV's.

Magnetic fields in electric cars don't seem to cause pacemaker...

By Lisa Rapaport(Reuters Health) - Electromagnetic fields produced by motors in electric cars don't appear strong enough to interfere with implanted heart devices like pacemakers and defibrillators, a small German study suggests. All electric motors can produce electromagnetic fields.
From article, (Electromagnetic fields produced by motors in electric cars don’t appear strong enough to interfere with implanted heart devices like pacemakers and defibrillators, a small German study suggests.

 All electric motors can produce electromagnetic fields. If these fields are strong enough, they have the potential to disrupt the normal function of implanted heart devices, researchers note in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Pacemaker malfunctions might cause the heart to stop beating with potentially fatal results, while defibrillators might respond to electromagnetic fields by delivering unnecessary shocks to patients’ hearts, causing pain and anxiety.

For the study, researchers measured the magnetic field strength in four electric cars with the largest market share in Europe: the BMW i3, Nissan Leaf, Tesla Model 85S, and the Volkswagen e-up!

They also assessed how well pacemakers and defibrillators worked for 108 patients with these implanted cardiac devices who sat in the cars during simulated driving and charging tests.

None of the cars appeared to interfere with patients’ heart devices, the study found.)

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