Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Prospecting Space Mining Robots Rejoice.

World's First Trillionaire Will Make Fortune In Outer Space, Claims Goldman Sachs

The next big industry to develop and ultimately give rise to the world' first trillionaire is asteroid mining, states Goldman Sachs, according to RT. This is not the first time the company 

From article, (According to the 2017 report, mining asteroids in outer space could be achieved far easier than we would normally expect.
“While the psychological barrier to mining asteroids is high, the actual financial and technological barriers are far lower,” Noah Poponak, an aerospace and materials analyst at Goldman, wrote in the 2017 report.
“Prospecting probes can likely be built for tens of millions of dollars each and Caltech has suggested an asteroid-grabbing spacecraft could cost $2.6 billion,” showed the report.
Other voices have also spoken out in favor of asteroid mining and hailed the financial benefits that could stem from such an investment.
Physicist Michio Kaku has indicated that humanity would greatly benefitfrom turning to asteroid mining as a way of solving the resource shortage crisis our planet is currently facing.
In his opinion, asteroids are “a flying gold mine in outer space” brimming with a wide assortment of minerals, including iron, nickel, carbon, cobalt, platinum, rhodium, and iridium. These valuable resources could be harvested and transported back to Earth to replenish our rapidly depleting stores.has discussed the future mining of asteroids.)

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