Thursday, April 19, 2018

Puerto Rico can't catch a break, Suffers from Another Island Wide Power Blackout. However, For Hundreds, Tesla Energy Projects Kept The Power On

Tesla Powerwalls and Powerpacks keep the lights on at 662 locations in Puerto Rico during island-wide blackout, says Elon Musk

Almost 1 million ratepayers of the Puerto Rican Electric Power Authority on the island of Puerto Rico were reportedly without power today during an island-wide blackout. But a few hundred locations with Tesla Energy storage systems were able to keep the lights on, according to CEO Elon Musk.
From article, (Almost 1 million ratepayers of the Puerto Rican Electric Power Authority on the island of Puerto Rico were reportedly without power today during an island-wide blackout.
But a few hundred locations with Tesla Energy storage systems were able to keep the lights on, according to CEO Elon Musk.

After Puerto Rico was ravaged by hurricanes last year, most of the island’s population lost power for an extended period of time as the grid was badly damaged.

While power slowly came back online over the last few months, they still have been having issues and today, the entire power grid went down again for virtually everyone on the Puerto Rican Electric Power grid.

The cause is still unclear and being investigated.

 Only people with energy storage systems were able to keep the lights on, including Tesla Energy customers.

Tesla ramped up its effort to help Puerto Rico get a more robust grid after it was destroyed by hurricanes. They quickly started shipping Powerwalls, their home energy storage solution, and we reported that they started shipping Powerpacks, their bigger commercial and utility-scale battery packs.

Now Tesla CEO Elon Musk says that it added up to 662 locations that were able to keep power during the blackout and that they are trying to add hundreds more.

As we previously reported, some of those locations include very critical services.

Furthermore, the automaker’s energy division also deployed a solar+battery system at a hospital in Puerto Rico.

Tesla shipped a few hundred more Powerwalls to Puerto Rico and sent technicians from all over the US to install them.

According to Musk, the effort resulted in 662 projects and there are more underway.)

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