Thursday, April 19, 2018

Long Island To Get New Artificial Reefs To Help The Fishing Industry.

Recycled TZB Materials To Become Artificial Reefs

TARRYTOWN, NY - So the Tappan Zee Bridge is being torn down now that the Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge is open for traffic. Were you wondering what was going to happen to all of that de-construction material? Well, Gov.

 From article, (Long Island will soon be the home of the largest expansion of artificial reefs in New York history, Cuomo said, the reefs will be comprised of cleaned and recycled materials from the TZB, as well as old tug boats, barges and scows.
The material will be used to build six artificial reefs off the Long Island coast.
"The sustainability and health of New York's marine resources is critical to communities along our shores, and by constructing these reef habitats, we are investing in a stronger more diverse marine ecosystem," Cuomo said. "As the largest artificial reef construction program in state history, these efforts will increase New York's marine biodiversity, provide new habitats for a variety of coral and fish, and support a growing tourism industry that brings thousands of anglers and travelers to Long Island's pristine waters every year."
Recycled materials from the Department of Transportation, Canal Corporation and the Thruway Authority will be used to develop the artificial reef sites and increase the biodiversity of these habitats for a variety of fish and lobsters. Construction of New York's first artificial reef dates back to 1949, and this latest initiative marks the state's first coordinated effort to stimulate the full environmental and economic benefits of artificial reefs.)

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