Sunday, March 25, 2018

What is Better than Just Offshore Wind Power? Or Offshore Wave Power? Combining Both in the Same Structure.

Partners to move ahead with development of wind-wave project in Scotland

Partners to move ahead with development of wind-wave project in Scotland Image by Floating Power Plant A/S March 23 (Renewables Now) - Irish renewables developer DP Energy and Floating Power Plant A/S, a Danish hybrid wind-wave technology developer, have decided to proceed with development of a wind-wave project in Scotland, according to a press release on Thursday.
 From article, (Irish renewables developer DP Energy and Floating Power Plant A/S, a Danish hybrid wind-wave technology developer, have decided to proceed with development of a wind-wave project in Scotland, according to a press release on Thursday.
The project, called Katanes, is located off Caithness and Sutherland in the north of Scotland.
 The companies want to develop a commercial-scale project in a staged manner. The initial step will be a demonstrator of up to 3.6 MW wave and 7 MW-8 MW wind power, which will be followed by a stage with an array of up to about 47 MW, Kohler said. According to him, the company's technology "could be in entering construction and be operational on the Katanes site in a 2021-22 timeframe."
"We are also evaluating the potential for further development off the north coast of Scotland and welcome the announcement by the Crown Estate Scotland that further offshore wind leasing is planned," said De Pietro.)

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