Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Tesla Autopilot 2.0 is Capable of Handling Road Construction Zones. Still, Keep Alert During These Times. You Never Know if the System Could Mess Up.

Watch Tesla Autopilot surprisingly handle a construction zone with the new update

We are just starting to understand the potential of Tesla Autopilot 2.0 following the latest software update that the automaker started pushing to its the fleet last week. Now we see Tesla's Autopilot handle a construction zone with the new update - something that we wouldn't recommend trying.
From article, (We are just starting to understand the potential of Tesla Autopilot 2.0 following the latest software update that the automaker started pushing to its the fleet last week.
Now we see Tesla’s Autopilot handle a construction zone with the new update – something that we wouldn’t recommend trying.

As we previously reported, the latest update (2018.10.4) features a new neural net rewritten by Tesla’s new Director of AI and Autopilot Vision, Andrej Karpathy, and his team.
In November, code found in the Autopilot software showed that Tesla’s neural net is able to recognize construction zones and that the automaker is now using its fleet to recognize and categorize obstacles and corner cases for Autopilot to navigate.

Now with the latest update, we get the first evidence, albeit anecdotal, that Tesla’s Autopilot is able to handle a construction zone after the latest update.)

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