Sunday, February 4, 2018

Immortality should not be seen as a curse but as a Reward. We prosper as a society on the successes of our past ancestors. Wth living longer, we can prosper even more, by keeping each generation around. (Commentary)

Me, "I have been reading some of the articles in the news about Immortality and how people think it would be a bad thing. Books about vampires weary of life and wanting to die, to rich couples downloading their brains into new cloned bodies. They become corrupt and turn against each other and others because they lost the reward of being alive.

Why would it be so bad to be immortal? Why would people crave death? I think some of it has to do with this fear that God would be angry with us for not dying, but there is nothing in the, Torah, Bible, etc., that says we have to die. In fact some of the popular figures mentioned in the Bible lived hundreds of years. Sure, some people say this may have been an error. But God didn't smote them or kill them for living a long life, so, why would he do that now? Especially, when we are getting close to learning how to do it.

My thinking on Religion is, believe whatever religion you
want. Give back to society however you can. Do good deeds. To family and friends. Treasure your family. And if you happen to live a long life? I really don't think God minds as long as you are happy.
Remember, we have been increasing the age span of Humans for a very long time. Death used to happen in our 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, etc. Now it could happen in your 100s. So why would it be bad to extend it further? I can't see God saying, you should have died sooner? If your sticking to his rules or if you don't believe in God, societies rules, why would he care if we lived way longer?

And that may be the problem. A lot of people are not happy. So, they figure death is the answer.

But I believe at some point that job that has been annoying you? Either a robot will do it freeing you up to do more enjoyable things.

Or your wife that you are disappointed with? You can always get a divorced and find a better one.

Money issues? There will probably be a universal income, like social security, to offset that robot who took your job.

Your kids annoying you? They will eventually move out.

There are solutions to a lot of problems people have. The glass is half full and the glass is half empty. You just need to find things that will calm your mind and the future will treat you well.

So, is living forever a bad thing? I really don't think so. You just need to find things that give you peace. And just hold on a little longer as society adjusts to a new economy, a new life structure, old and new religions that are adaptable, which a lot are, to however long you live.

A long life is not a curse, but a reward. People who write books about immortality being a curse, do so for entertainment purposes. In stories you need a protagonist. Immortality is written as that protagonist. But, it doesn't have to be that way.

If we have gotten used to living to 100, why can't we get used to living to 200? Or 300, 400 or beyond? What I think people have to understand is that Death is not the answer. We should be focused on making a better today for all of humanity.
If you can feel good because you made a positive difference in society, however you contributed, that's all that matters. I am sure in that sense God would be happy too."

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