Sunday, February 4, 2018

Staten Island Expressway is better, but, still a Congestion Problem.

Still longing for a real HOV lane on the Staten Island Expressway (commentary)

Lane needs to be built out all the way to the Goethals Bridge.
From article, (City Councilman Steve Matteo (R-Mid-Island) was out there the other day, calling on the state Department of Transportation to complete the HOV lane on the Staten Island Expressway all the way to the Goethals Bridge. 

Matteo also offered to get city capital budget money for the project, and asked that a feasibility study be done. 

what happens now is that the HOV lane terminates at Victory Boulevard, forcing drivers to merge back over into the other travel lanes. Which causes congestion. Making things worse is that this merge happens right after the exit-only lane at Bradley Avenue that many drivers use as a travel lane. Until they get to the actual exit, that is. Then they squeeze back into the regular flow on the SIE.
So, that's two congestion areas basically right on top of each other. This after millions upon millions of dollars were spent renovating the highway. And this all on top of the normal congestion that we see on the highway thanks to it being more than just a local road, but an actual major regional trucking route. 

 There has really never been a time when the SIE hasn't been a problem. True, things were far worse before the redesign. Traffic moves better in non-rush hour times. There are fewer of those inexplicable late-night traffic jams. Which makes it all the more galling to see these other idiosyncrasies causing traffic. These are things that should be fixable.  
It's clear that the state DOT is in no hurry to get it done. All we as Staten Islanders can do is keep bringing the subject up, not letting the state forget about us. Fixing the SIE would solve so many of our traffic problems. It would help our commuters. 
It's something that needs to get done.) 

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