Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Baltimore Gets Creative With Its Bus, Onboard, Dash, Cameras.

MTA bus cameras could be used to fine bus lane violators

A proposed bill at the State House would outfit Metropolitan Transportation Authority buses with video cameras to catch drivers parking, or otherwise misusing, dedicated bus lanes in Baltimore. The bill allows cameras in MTA buses to catch bus lane violators, who would face a $100 fine.

 From article, (A proposed bill at the State House would outfit Metropolitan Transportation Authority buses with video cameras to catch drivers parking, or otherwise misusing, dedicated bus lanes in Baltimore.

The bill allows cameras in MTA buses to catch bus lane violators, who would face a $100 fine.

Dedicated bus lanes only work if those paths are unobstructed.

"People are in the bus lanes that shouldn't be there in the bus lanes. Certain bus lanes specify you can turn from them, but they just sit there, park there and pull in front of the buses," said Joan Carter Conway, the bill's sponsor.

Confused drivers clog the lanes, especially during rush hour. Some motorists turn them into convenient parking spaces

Increasing fines aren't a deterrent in part because there aren't enough traffic cops to enforce it. So, lawmakers are turning to technology along the lines of red light cameras.

Legislation in both the House and Senate allows the MTA to point existing cameras at bus lanes or have cameras installed on buses to capture violators.

"It's giving the MTA the enabling legislation to be able to do it. But, it's all about safety," Carter Conway said.

Five Maryland counties already use cameras on school buses to videotape drivers disregarding flashing red lights.)

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