Saturday, January 6, 2018

Why Stop With Pakistan?

Trump backs Sen. Paul's plan to fund infrastructure projects with suspended aid to Pakistan

President Donald Trump on Friday evening issued support for U.S. Sen. Rand Paul's proposal to fund infrastructure projects in the U.S. with foreign aid halted from going to Pakistan. "Good idea Rand!" came the president's response. In a tweet Thursday, Rand, a Kentucky Republican, said he planned to introduce his proposal soon.

President Donald Trump on Friday evening issued support for U.S. Sen. Rand Paul's proposal to fund infrastructure projects in the U.S. with foreign aid halted from going to Pakistan.
"Good idea Rand!" came the president's response.
In a tweet Thursday, Rand, a Kentucky Republican, said he planned to introduce his proposal soon.
"My bill will take the money that would have gone to Pakistan and put it in an infrastructure fund to build roads and bridges here at home," the senator tweeted.
 The United States is currently holding up more than $200 million in foreign aid to Pakistan. A senior U.S. administration official emphasized the money could potentially still be available if Pakistan were to change course.
But Paul went a step further Thursday, arguing that Pakistan has been of little use in the war on terrorism, and proposed cutting off aid to Pakistan altogether.
“We’ve sent Pakistan $33 billion since 2002. What did we get for it? Well Pakistan didn’t even help us find Bin Laden, even though he was living in one of their cities for years. Then they jailed the informant who helped us to get Bin Laden. They’ve allowed suspected terrorists to operate in their country. Some say Pakistani intelligence agents actually aid and abet the terrorists. It’s wrong.”
Paul, who said he has been fighting to end aid to Pakistan for years, called Trump’s recent proposal to suspend aid “a breakthrough.”
Me, "Why stop with Pakistan? If there are other countries getting aid from us and not siding with us, on issues, maybe we should cut their aid and redirect the funds back here, (The U.S.) into infrastructure. Why are we being the world's sugar daddy and getting slapped in the face, in return?"

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