Saturday, January 6, 2018

"China Got Played!" For a country that rips off patented technology from other countries, left and right and makes cheap knock offs. Somehow this seems fitting.

Someone stole a piece of China's new solar panel-paved road less than a week after it opened

Putting solar panels into our roads isn't the craziest idea, but we may as well admit that it poses some unique challenges. For instance, people may want to walk away with pieces of it. That's what happened in China, anyway, just five days after authorities took opened up what they claim is the world's first solar panel-paved highway.
From article, (Putting solar panels into our roads isn’t the craziest idea, but we may as well admit that it poses some unique challenges. For instance, people may want to walk away with pieces of it. That’s what happened in China, anyway, just five days after authorities opened up what they claim is the world’s first solar panel-paved highway.

it appears to have been done by a “professional team,” (Google’s translation) according to an industry source cited by the local news channel, may give some insight. Perhaps they’re interested in the technology, speculated another source.
Indeed if a group wanted to replicate the photovoltaic sandwich and offer a similar product for a lower price, this might be exactly what they’d do. The practice is not uncommon in China, but this seems an unlikely target for counterfeiting.)

Me, "China Got Played! For a country that rips off patented technology from other countries, left and right and makes cheap knock offs, forcing these patented companies out of business. Somehow this seems fitting."

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