Thursday, January 11, 2018

Thinking about what you could do in an Autonomous car Instead of Driving.

Autonomous vehicles could help millions of people catch up on sleep, TV and work

What would you do if you could magically reclaim all the time you spend behind the wheel of a car? Ultimately that's what a future filled with autonomous vehicles is promising. There are many questions about what autonomous vehicles will be able to do, how reliable they'll be and how much they'll cost.
From article, (What would you do if you could magically reclaim all the time you spend behind the wheel of a car? Ultimately that’s what a future filled with autonomous vehicles is promising.
There are many questions about what autonomous vehicles will be able to do, how reliable they’ll be and how much they’ll cost. But development is far enough along for people to start thinking about what drivers would do with all that free time were it available. Some people imagine sending their cars to pick up milk from the store, having the family car drive little Emily to her soccer practice, or getting into pajamas and curling up to sleep during an overnight long-distance drive.
It’s hard to know, though, what people will really do once self-driving cars are common. Part of the problem, of course, is that we don’t yet know what the technology will be capable of and how much it will cost. But even if we did know this, it is still hard to predict what people will do with a new technology: The Bell Labs engineers who in 1947 invented the semiconductor transistor could not have foreseen their device leading to online shopping, unprecedented globalization and emojis.)

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