Thursday, January 11, 2018

How Eating your Broccoli and a specially created Probiotic Gut Bacteria can lead to Colorectal Cancer Prevention.

Engineered Gut Bacteria Provide Enzyme That Helps Green Vegetables Fight Cancer | GEN

Scientists in Singapore have developed engineered probiotic gut bacteria that can transform a substance found naturally in broccoli and Brussels sprouts into a powerful cancer-preventing chemical.

 From article, (Scientists in Singapore have developed engineered probiotic gut bacteria that can transform a substance found naturally in broccoli and Brussels sprouts into a powerful cancer-preventing chemical. The National University of Singapore (NUS) team, led by Chun-Loong Ho, Ph.D., and associate professor Matthew Chang, Ph.D., engineered the harmless gut bacterium to attach specifically to the surface of colorectal cancer (CRC) cells and secrete an enzyme that converts the glucosinolate compounds in cruciferous vegetables into sulforaphane, an organic small molecule that has anticancer properties.
When tested in vitro, a combination of the engineered bacteria and broccoli extract almost completely prevented the growth of mouse and human CRC cells, without affecting any other type of cell. And when fed to a mouse model of CRC, the probiotic–vegetable combination reduced tumor numbers by 75% and stunted the growth of tumors that did develop.)

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