Wednesday, January 3, 2018

So, is Tesla slowly moving out of Production Hell and into Production Heaven?

Tesla Model 3 VINs point to over 2,000 units produced in 2017

By the end of the day tomorrow, Tesla should release its delivery and production results for the fourth quarter and the full year 2017. As we previously reported, we expect record deliveries for the quarter, but Model 3 production remains a wild card and it will be the most important metric for shareholders and industry analysts.

From article, (By the end of the day tomorrow, Tesla should release its delivery and production results for the fourth quarter and the full year 2017.
As we previously reported, we expect record deliveries for the quarter, but Model 3 production remains a wild card and it will be the most important metric for shareholders and industry analysts.
Now new VIN information gives us insight into Model 3 production.
 As we discussed in our last podcast, Tesla registered over 3,500 new Model 3 VINs with NHTSA last month.
It was its biggest jump to date and a good indicator that Tesla expects to increase Model 3 production after 2 difficult quarters plagued by manufacturing and supply chain issues.
But now Tesla requested to change some of those VINs from model year 2017 to model year 2018 – leaving up to VIN number 3,027 in model year 2017.)

Me, "So, is Tesla slowly moving out of Production Hell and into Production Heaven?"

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