Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Energy Storage gets a Huge Boost from NYS Governor Cuomo.

New York sets bigger energy storage target than California

"A comprehensive agenda to combat climate change" unveiled on Tuesday by New York governor Andrew Cuomo, includes the setting of a state-wide energy storage deployment target of 1,500MW by 2025.

From article, (“A comprehensive agenda to combat climate change” unveiled on Tuesday by New York governor Andrew Cuomo, includes the setting of a state-wide energy storage deployment target of 1,500MW by 2025.
In addition to the introduction of the target, Cuomo unveiled plans to reduce emissions from natural gas peaker plants, solicit proposals for “at least 800MW” of offshore wind energy projects over two years, establish energy efficiency targets, reconvene a scientific advisory panel on climate change with authorities from other states and create a community solar PV programme aimed at 10,000 low-income households in the state.
The setting of a target was strongly supported by the industry when Cuomo first approved the idea in early December 2017 although yesterday’s announcement was the first time a number had been put on it. The state is seeking the deployment of 1,500MW by 2025 and to employ 30,000 workers in energy storage within New York.)

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