Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Now these arrival clocks need to be disperses throughout the stations, instead of just being in the center of these stations.

MTA says every subway station now has arrival clocks

Straphangers will now have the luxury of knowing just how late their train will be. The MTA said on Monday that it has installed arrival-time technology at all 471 subway stations. The long-delayed project - which began roughly a decade ago - will also be accessible on cellphones, the agency said.

From article, (Straphangers will now have the luxury of knowing just how late their train will be.
The MTA said on Monday that it has installed arrival-time technology at all 471 subway stations.
The long-delayed project — which began roughly a decade ago — will also be accessible on cellphones, the agency said.
Riders have long grumbled at the train-time guesswork, while most major European cities had already solved the transit riddle years ago.
The final lines to implement the system were the 7, A and Franklin Avenue Shuttle in Brooklyn, according to the MTA.)

Me, "Now, they need to be dispersed all over the Subway stations except just being in the middle of the platform where subways riders may not be standing." 

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