Tuesday, January 2, 2018

A Plan for Funding Mass Transit

Break the speed limit and boost mass transit (commentary)

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. - New Yorkers should just pony up more money. That's the solution to all our problems, particularly when it comes to mass transit. The latest salvo comes courtesy of the Independent Democratic Conference, the Democrats in the state Senate who parlay with the Republicans there.

Me, This has always been the problem. Howe do you raise money for public transit? [Read my comments below article snipet.]"

From article, (Under one part of the IDC's "Rider Relief Plan," the number of speed cameras around city schools would be massively expanded, with the funds generated going toward cutting transit fares, including express bus fares, which could be halved under the plan.

Sounds good. Who doesn't want cheaper fares?

But who wants more speed cameras? For Staten Islanders, the plan would give with one hand while taking with the other. We're big users of express buses, so we'd like some relief. But we're also the most car-dependent of the boroughs, so anything that increases traffic penalties is going to affect us disproportionately.

Current law caps the number of speed cameras in school zones at 140. Under the IDC plan, that number could explode to between 1,000 and 1,400. The IDC estimates that the increase would generate between $425 million and $500 million annually, up from the $59 million that the cameras generated in 2016.

Also under the plan, the IDC would look to use some city sales tax revenue to fund improvements to the subway system. Mayor Bill de Blasio has already pushed back against that one.
Everybody's got an idea about how we can make generate more funds for mass transit.
For instance, Gov. Andrew Cuomo is expected to throw his support behind congestion pricing in his State of the State address on Wednesday.)

Me, "How do you raise money for mass transit? How? HOW. lol. That's the conundrum. Fares, Taxes, Tolls, DMV registration fees, Police Ticket Fines, passive means (ads, etc).
That's the basics. We know fares have reached their limits. Taxes? No one wants to pay any more increases. DMV registration fees can only go so high before they crash from people refusing to own a car or registering them in another state. Police Ticket fines (Including red light cameras and speed cameras)? No one wants to pay fines. Its why everybody looks out for cops or cameras. So, that's a no go. 
Ads, are a lucrative income. Either on the side of a local bus or express bus, give the MTA, (Google, Bus wraps vary greatly in cost depending on design and coverage. The pricing can range anywhere from $8,000 – $12,500 this price would include all installation and removal costs as well.) and (Google: Bus Stop / Bus Shelter Ads: Range of $150 - $600 for small to medium size markets and $3,000 to $6,500 for high-income areas -- per ad per 4 week period. Bus Interior Ads: Range of $25 - $125 per ad per 4 week period. Bench Ads: $75 - $400 per ad per 4 week period. Range of rates depends on the timing and market.  and inside local buses and trains. Google: This is outdated, but in a New York Magazine article in 2005, the following rates were given: Static subway-entrance ads: $3,000. Subway cars: $44,000 to cover 25 percent of a train's interior ad spaces.)
I have one question has anyone sat down and figured out how much ad income is making for the MTA. It seems to me, at these prices they should be making a lot of money. If the MTA isn't? they need to raise their prices on them. Just like Fares have gone up so should Ad prices. A lot of people see these ads. That should be factored into the cost. I am not sure it is. Also, there are no inside ads on Express buses. Seems to me this is a lost Ad space. Any new Express Buses should be built with the capability of showing ads.
Still this Ad money is not enough money for MTA services.
Tolls? If the congestion Plan (Move NY) or the one by Cuomo goes into affect, maybe instead of lowering the cash toll on the Verazzano from 17 dollars to half $8.50, Why not leave it a few dollars more? and use that money for direct borough transit projects decided on by Staten Island current and future borough presidents?
In fact each bridge, the Triboro, Throgs Neck, Gil Hodges, Henry Hudson, Cross Bay, Whitetone, Verazzano, each borough should be granted a little extra for their own Borough President's mass transit projects by leaving the toll a little higher. 
This is on top of money they might receive from The Move NY congestion plan. Every toll giver is still getting a toll cut (Not as much) but the comforting idea that their toll will go to a home town project.

These are my ideas. Obviously, our elected politicians will have more."

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