Wednesday, January 24, 2018

A lot of Designs for a Mars Colony. Here is a look at MIT's idea.

MIT Team Wins Mars City Design Contest for 'Redwood Forest' Idea

A team of engineers and architects from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has won the top prize for architecture in 2017's international Mars City Design competition, which asks participants to design habitats that could one day be built on the Red Planet.

 Me, "It seems with lots of different ideas about what kind of Mars Colony to build on Mars there will be a lot of unique colonies set up. This would be not unlike different styles of residential living in cities/towns/suburbs around the world."
From article, (MIT’s winning design, which the team calls Redwood Forest, is a collection of "tree habitats" connected through a system of tunnels called "roots." The roots would provide safe access to other tree habitats, private spaces and "shirt-sleeve transportation," according to a statement from MIT. The tunnels would also provide protection from cosmic radiation, micrometeorite impacts and extreme changes in temperature.
Each dome-shaped tree habitat would house up to 50 people, and the team's vision calls for building about 200 of them, to support a settlement of 10,000 pioneers. The structures would include private and public spaces as well as plants and water harvested from the northern plains of Mars, according to the statement.
Each dome would have soft cells that would fill with water to help protect inhabitants from radiation, manage heat loads and supply water to both fish and produce farms. The domes would also have solar panels to generate clean energy for charging hydrogen fuel cells and splitting water to create rocket fuel, Lordos said.)

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