Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Politics is Politics even when it comes to Elon Musk...

From article, (Tesla CEO Elon Musk said Wednesday that if President Donald Trump follows through on pulling the U.S. out of the Paris climate change agreement, he'd "have no choice" but to cut off his participation in White House business councils.

POLITICO and others have reported that Trump is expected to withdraw the U.S. from the climate agreement.

 Musk has emerged as the Trump White House's go-to tech industry executive. The Tesla and SpaceX CEO has taken part, for example, in the so-called "President’s Strategic and Policy Forum."

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick stepped down from that group in February after a public backlash, including from inside the technology industry. At the time, Musk decided to stay involved, saying, "I believe at this time that engaging on critical issues will on balance serve the greater good." Musk's threatened break with Trump comes as the White House is trying to bring tech CEOs and other executives to Washington on June 19 for a day-long summit on modernizing government technology, cybersecurity, immigration and other topics.)

Me, "Elon Musk's departure as a participant in White House business Councils has nothing to do with President Trump's pulling out of the Paris Climate Treaty. Musk is just looking for a reason to leave. He thought he could influence Trump into giving SpaceX contracts that would help SpaceX build its Interplanetary spacecraft. When Pres. Trump didn't, and instead approved NASA's budget without giving anything to SpaceX, Musk probably decided it was time to leave and he wanted to do it on his terms. By saying he is going to leave if Pres. Trump pulls the U.S. out of the Paris Climate treaty, he saves face with his fan base. His fan base did not like the fact that he stayed associated with Trump's administration when Trump tried to ban Muslim people from the Middle East from coming into the U.S. Elon Musk did not want to show weakness then that the will of the people forced him to leave. But Trump pulling out of the Climate Treaty would allow him to leave on his own terms." Elon Musk: Paris deal departure would force break with Trump

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