Wednesday, May 31, 2017

How a new word is born...

From article, (Covfefe: sometimes it takes something special to make you step back and realize the state of the world you live in.
That’s what happened this Tuesday evening in the U.S. when President Trump gifted the internet a very unexpected present: the covfefe meme.
Within an hour of the misspelled word going out in a tweet to his 31 million followers, “covfefe” had become Twitter’s No. 1 trending hashtag worldwide. It is even trending in countries outside of the U.S.
At the time of writing, the tweet was sent one hour ago and still had not been deleted. Over that period, it racked up nearly 35,000 retweets and over 42,000 likes.
As you’d expect, Twitter users — one of the internet’s most enthusiastic meme-loving communities — seized on the error, which has become the source of much comedy.
Update: The President has now deleted the original tweet, but then made light of his error with another 140 character missive.)

Me, "It just goes to show you, if you are popular and you misspell a word or miss pronounce a word, you can create a whole new word. This has been shown time and again with different languages. Latin, Spanish, French, Italian. German, English, all share words, they are just spelled and pronounced differently. The reasoning being as people spread out around Europe their pronouncement of words kept changing and whole new languages formed. While Pres. Trump, made a mistake in typing out a word, meant to be 'coverage' and it came out Covfefe.  It shows how new words are created everyday. And once you get enough people saying it, it ends up in a dictionary."

With one misspelled word, President Trump gifts Twitter the #covfefe meme

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