Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Blue Origin can only Benefit from Bezos' riches.

From article, (With Amazon's stock price brushing $1,000Jeff Bezos is within striking distance of becoming the world's richest man.
Bezos would be the first man to bump Gates from his perch as the world's richest man since Carlos Slim in 2010. Gates has dominated the list for much of the past quarter century, holding the top spot for 18 of the last 23 years, according to Forbes.
As of Friday's close, Bezos was worth $85.1 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaire's Index. Bill Gates is at $88.8 billion. So assuming that Microsoft's share price remains constant or falls, Bezos needed another $3.8 billion to top Gates.)

Me, "What is good about this is that Bezos has more than enough wealth now, and continued wealth, to plow it into his space venture Blue Origin. When your doing a lot of experimental, to operational, space rockets, its good to have deep financial pockets. Until you start making a profit, and building up on successful rocket launches, a financial commitment is necessary."   Jeff Bezos is getting closer to becoming the richest man

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