Monday, May 29, 2017

Accidents can and do happen in Space.

From article, (In October 2014, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) was hit by a tiny object – but lived to tell the tale.
The collision caused a strange glitch in the  LRO’s cameras (which you can see in the picture below), causing it to produce images showing “jagged patterns”.
Alien hunters spend hours poring over the footage produced by the probe’s footage of the lunar surface and even claimed it has recorded evidence of alien bases on the moon.
However, Nasa thinks “a small natural meteorite” was to blame for the collision.
Mark Robinson, a professor at Arizona State University’s school of earth and space exploration, said: “LROC was struck and survived to keep exploring the moon.”
He suggested a tiny meteorite hit the space probe, knocking its cameras so they produced a “wild and jittery” image of the moon’s surface.
“The meteoroid was travelling much faster than a speeding bullet,” Robinson added.
“In this case, LROC did not dodge a speeding bullet, but rather survived a speeding bullet!”)

Me, "Space can be a very dangerous place. You have to remember, things are flying around out there at great speeds. You put that together with another object, like a spacecraft or a space probe, that is also moving quite fast, and you can have a serious accident. The best thing to do in a situation like that is to either have more shielding between you and it, or have better radar, to see the object, and be able to avoid it in the first place."
Nasa admits a UFO smashed into one of its spaceships - but aliens were NOT to blame

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