Saturday, December 17, 2016

Trump Will Need To Work With Congress...

(On Trump specifically, Obama evinced confidence that the president-elect and his aides would go through a “sobering process” as they took the levers of power after the Jan. 20 inauguration. 
He also underlined the fact that he was willing to assist the incoming president with general advice, expressing some level of confidence that “maybe I can transmit some thoughts about maintaining the effectiveness, integrity, cohesion of the office [and] our various democratic institutions … I will always make myself available to him, just as previous presidents have made themselves available to me.”
That tone is a long way from the more confrontational one liberals would prefer Obama to strike against a man whom they view as an existential threat to American democracy. 
But the president gave them little satisfaction in that regard, nor did he oxygenate some of their wilder hopes. He insisted that there was no evidence that any outside power had interfered with the process of casting and counting votes, and he refused to get at all embroiled in the question of whether individual members of the Electoral College should cast “faithless” votes against Trump on Monday.)
Me, "Everything will be fine in the next Presidential Administration. Trump is learning from very intelligent advisors. The Trump we came to know on the campaign trail isn't the kind of President he will become. I believe he will be more measured. And if there is trouble he will be a good leader. We just have to give him the benefit of the doubt and see what he does. Remember, our government is set up with checks and balances, meaning Trump will learn that if he wants things done he is going to have to work with Congress, not against it."

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