Saturday, December 17, 2016

Aging can be reversed?

By Kelvinsong - Own work, CC0,

(“It’s a beautiful piece of work,” said Howard Chang, aging researcher expert at Stanford University School of Medicine in Palo Alto, California, according to Science Magazine.
Chang said the study supports the hypothesis that “aging is not just a passive process. We can intervene to change the outcome.”
“This work is the first glimmer that we could live for centuries,” David Sinclair, a Harvard University geneticist, said, according to Scientific American. “My lab has a lot of evidence that the primary driver of what we call the hallmarks of aging is the epigenetic change.”
Matt Kaeberlein, an expert from the University of Washington, said that while previous research studies have shown that it is possible to slow down aging, the new study suggests it might also be possible to reverse the process.
“That’s really exciting—that means that even in elderly people it may be possible to restore youthful function.”
And despite the optimism, the Salk researchers caution that although the new technique appears to be the most promising approach to cell rejuvenation in humans, it would take at least a decade of additional studies and research before it reaches the stage of clinical trials.)
Me, "I have always looked at Aging as a product of cellular reproduction. Every time a cell divides into two it reduces its DNA code Part stays with new cell, part stays with old cell. Eventually, this leads to old age results, as the DNA code gets shorter and shorter. But if you can turn back aging in cells by reprogramming them, then this process can be halted and reversed. Researchers may have found the key to a dramatically longer life. It doesn't mean you should go out and eat whatever you want and flaunt a Dr.'s advice; Cancer and Heart Attacks will still need to be dealt with. It just means you should still eat a balanced diet meal and exercise; and, in a few years we won't have to age."

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