Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Great Things To Come With Rick Perry As D.O.E. Secretary

(As governor, he recruited out-of-state firms to Texas. In 2013, he starred in an ad that aired in California in which he declared that companies should visit his home state “and see why our low taxes, sensible regulations and fair legal system are just the thing to get your business moving. To Texas.”)
Me, "The key thing that is overlooked is Perry favored Low taxes, and sensible regulations. That is definitely a plus when it comes to his views on renewable energy, Oil, Gas, and Coal."

Continuing from article, (Salo Zelermyer, who served as a senior counsel at the Energy Department’s general counsel’s office under President George W. Bush and is now a partner at the Bracewell law firm, said Perry has proven “it is indeed possible to successfully balance appropriate environmental regulations with domestic energy production and use.”)
Me, "I think because of Perry's appropriate regulations, they, helped stimulate Texas energy economy."
Continuing from article (“During his time in office, Perry embodied the type of ‘all of the above’ approach to U.S. energy production that many have advocated on both sides of the aisle,” Zelermyer added. “Rick Perry’s Texas was not only a world leader in oil and gas production; it was also a global leader in wind power and renewable energy investment. This approach is a big reason Texas experienced such enormous job growth during Perry’s tenure.”)
Me, "Case closed?"

Continuing from article, (Wind power did expand under Perry during his tenure in Texas, although it is unclear what role he played in promoting that energy source.

It started with 116 megawatts of installed wind power when he took office, according to the World Resources Institute, and now ranks as the nation’s No. 1 wind producer with 18,000 megawatts. But during a 2015 Iowa Agricultural Summit in Des Moines, the former governor said he opposed extending the federal tax credit for wind power. “I do if a state wants to do it,” he said. “I don’t at the federal level. I think all of these need to be looked at, whether it’s oil and gas, whether it’s the wind side, whether it’s the [Renewable Fuel Standard program] — I think all of them need to be put on the table, prove whether or not these are in fact in the best interest of this country.”)

Me, "I don't think there is anything to worry about with Rick Perry as Energy Secretary.
Rick Perry is a great choice because of the results on how he handled energy projects in Texas. It may be a little unclear as to how he did it. But the proof is that whatever he did, increased Wind Energy massively. If he can bring these skills to the Energy department and bring many more Wind or other energy projects to other states, like he did in Texas, the U.S. has a bright energy future."

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