Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Fear Itself!

From article, "Scientists are frantically copying U.S. climate data, fearing it might vanish under Trump"

(Alarmed that decades of crucial climate measurements could vanish under a hostile Trump administration, scientists have begun a feverish attempt to copy reams of government data onto independent servers in hopes of safeguarding it from any political interference.
The efforts include a “guerrilla archiving” event in Toronto, where experts will copy irreplaceable public data, meetings at the University of Pennsylvania focused on how to download as much federal data as possible in the coming weeks, and a collaboration of scientists and database experts who are compiling an online site to harbor scientific information.
“Something that seemed a little paranoid to me before all of a sudden seems potentially realistic, or at least something you’d want to hedge against,” said Nick Santos, an environmental researcher at the University of California at Davis, who over the weekend began copying government climate data onto a nongovernment server, where it will remain available to the public. “Doing this can only be a good thing. Hopefully they leave everything in place. But if not, we’re planning for that.”)

Me, "This is ridiculous. People are scaring themselves over nothing. Rick Perry did say he would get rid of the D.O.E. but he is now the going to be the Secretary of it. Obviously, his views on it have changed. And you can't go with what candidates say during elections. In the heat of battle things get said that are over-exaggerated. You can see this in a number of comments made by Trump during the presidential campaign that he has gone back on or said he didn't mean.
This unnecessary panic is being started by liberal democrats who did not like the outcome of the Presidential election and think Trump is going to rewrite or get rid of atmospheric observations. This isn't the first time we have had a Republican President who has said he does not believe in Global Warming. Look at former President George W. Bush. He refused to sign the climate treaty, that the U.N. was working on, at the time, because of it. But he didn't abandon or rewrite climate research. 
Republicans are not the enemy here, fear is. As a Democratic president said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself!"
It's time to put the past in the past and start looking at the positives a Trump Presidency can bring, and not made up bad things." 

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