Monday, June 25, 2018

Spooky Atoms

These 'Spooky' Entangled Atoms Just Brought Quantum Computing One Step Closer

Scientists have made the biggest and most complex quantum-computer network yet, getting 20 different entangled quantum bits, or qubits, to talk to each other. The team was then able to read out the information contained in all those so-called qubits, creating a prototype of quantum "short-term memory" for the computer.

 From article, (Modern computers use this language by sending or stopping the flow of electricity through metal and silicon circuits, switching magnetic polarity or using other mechanisms that have a dual "on or off" state.However, quantum computers use a different language — with an infinite number of "letters."If binary languages use the north and south poles of the globes, then quantum computing would use all the points in between. The goal of quantum computing is to also use all the area between the poles.)

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