Thursday, March 22, 2018

You Always Here About How Congressmen Pass Bills they Hardly Read Because it is Too Many Pages. Here is a Solution.

FYI- The 2200+ page, budget-busting Omnibus has been printing for two hours in my office and still isn’t done.
Well here it is, all 2,232 budget-busting pages. The House already started votes on it. The Senate is expected to soon. No one has read it. Congress is broken...

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From wikipedia, (In 2000, every Representative hired 14 staff members, while the average Senator hired 34.)

From Google, (435 House of Representatives Members of Congress, and 100 Senators.) 

Me, "Each House of Representatives Congressmen have a certain number of staff. In 2000 it was 14. There are 435 Members of Congress. . You take 435 x 14 and you have 6,090 total staff members for House of Representatives Congressmen. You have 100 senators in the senate. For Senators it was 34 average staff members. You take 100 x 34 and you get 3,400 staff members. Total personal staff in Congress is 9,490. Figure some are busy running their elected officials offices. But some may not have anything to do.

You give each one a couple of pages of the Tax Bill to read and summarize what is in the bill. And then you no longer have to read it all yourself. If you need a particular part of the bill explained to you, you track down the staff member that has read that part of the bill and get an answer. With 9,490 staff members creating basically, verbal summaries, you no longer have to read the entire bill. You collect the people who have the answers and have a nice long lunch discussing the bill.  If you choose to read the whole thing, that is your problem. It's time to delegate!" 

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