Saturday, March 3, 2018

Own a Tesla? Get a Tesla. Or, at Least Move to the Head of the Line.

You can get a Tesla Model 3 in weeks if you are a Tesla owner in the US

Tesla sent out a new batch of invitations to configure the Model 3 this week, but it's still only to current Tesla owners in the US. Interestingly, even owners who have just recently placed a new reservation can get the invitation and configure the vehicle for a delivery in 'about 4 weeks' - just like some Model S or Model X vehicles.
From article, (Tesla sent out a new batch of invitations to configure the Model 3 this week, but it’s still only to current Tesla owners in the US.

Interestingly, even owners who have just recently placed a new reservation can get the invitation and configure the vehicle for a delivery in ‘about 4 weeks’ – just like some Model S or Model X vehicles.

 We have received several reports from Tesla owners this week who hadn’t reserved the Model 3 over the last two years, but they decided to place a reservation this month and they already received an invite to configure.

Tesla has always stated that current owners of Model S, Model X, or Roadster vehicles have priority in the Model 3 reservation backlog, but the extent of the priority is greater than most people thought.

As we previously reported, we learned that if you have owned more than one Tesla vehicle, you get priority on more than one Model 3 reservation.
Now it sounds like the priority also extends to new reservations still being placed to this day.)

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