Sunday, March 11, 2018

Musk believes Mars will be a Dangerous Place to Visit (at least in the beginning), But There will be People (Frontiers Men and Women) Who Want to Go.

Elon Musk wants to colonize Mars with SpaceX - here's what he said it will be like as one of the first residents

Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, wants to put 1 million people on Mars. During a Q&A at South by Southwest in Austin, Texas, on Sunday, Musk revealed what he thinks life will be like for the colonizers of Mars. Musk said being an early resident on Mars will be difficult and dangerous.
From article, (Musk said of his colonization vision. "For the people who go to Mars, it'll be far more dangerous. It kind of reads like Shackleton's ad for Antarctic explorers. 'Difficult, dangerous, good chance you'll die. Excitement for those who survive.' That kind of thing."
"There's already people who want to go in the beginning. There will be some for whom the excitement of exploration and the next frontier exceeds the danger," Musk continued.
 Musk said he imagines Mars will have a direct democracy instead of the system of government used in the US — a representative democracy — whereby elected officials represent a group of people. On Mars, Musk expects people will vote directly on issues.

He said that the centuries-old representative democracy made more sense during the nation's founding, before the government could assume most people knew how to read and write.

Musk urged future colonizers to "keep laws short," so that people can easily read and digest the bills before voting on them. He warned that long laws have "something suspicious" going on.

"If the law exceeds the word count of 'Lord of the Rings,' then something's wrong," Musk said.

The quote got a laugh from the audience and sparked speculation that Musk was taking a jab at the Republican tax bill that was passed in December 2017. The bill came in at 503 pages and ran over 1,000 pages including the related conference committee report.

Musk also recommended that laws be easier to repeal than install. Doing so would prevent arbitrary rules from accumulating and restricting freedoms over time, he said.

On creating culture on Mars, Musk said that "Mars should have really great bars."

"The Mars Bar," he laughed.)

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