Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Going back to the Moon is not just about fuel for rockets and probes, its to stimulate the Moon economy to produce other side economies, like Tourism. Astronomy, Mining. Basically, to not have to be continually funded by a Space Agency on Earth. To live off the land, so to speak.

Why are we going to the Moon, again? Oh right, to make it into a "gas station for outer space"

Space travel is back on the United States' radar in a big way, with the Trump Administration declaring in October 2017 that it wants the U.S. to be a leader in the space industry. This includes going to the Moon and being the first country to send astronauts to Mars.

From article, (Space travel is back on the United States’ radar in a big way, with the Trump Administration declaring in October 2017 that it wants the U.S. to be a leader in the space industry. This includes going to the Moon and being the first country to send astronauts to Mars.
Speaking to CNBC’s Squawk Box about the country’s future commercial space projects, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said our future successes largely depend on what we accomplish by going to the Moon, such as turning it into a refueling station by establishing a lunar colony.
“I think a lot depends upon how successful we are in turning the Moon into a kind of gas station for outer space,” Ross told CNBC. “The plan is to break down the ice [found on the Moon] into hydrogen and oxygen, [and] use those as the fuel propellant.”
Ross foresees a scenario in which rockets are launched from Earth with the intent of going to the Moon first, rather than traveling directly to, say, Mars or deep space. Once at the Moon, the rocket would refuel and take off once again for another planet or asteroid. This subsequent launch would require less thrust since the Moon’s gravitational force is much lower than the Earth’s.)
Me, "What is being missed here is not just that the Moon will become a gas station for rockets and probes going out into the solar system, but that the Moon needs a major economic source to sustain operations there.
 You can have, Tourism. You can have Observatories for Astronomic research. You can mine for certain materials needed back on Earth. But to do any of this, there needs to be a major economic pusher. Providing Fuel for Rockets and Probes is like what the Middle East does with Oil, using the funding from it to encourage other economic businesses." 

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