Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Think of it as a much more Advanced Answering Machine. A friend texts. It picks up if you are busy. The friend text a few questions, your answering machine texts back, and asks questions too. Later, when you have time, the data is given to you.

Humans no longer required: Google tests robot to chat with friends for you

With its new Reply system the firm is taking the art of conversion one step forwards - or should that be backwards? Are you tired of the constant need to tap on that glass keyboard just to keep up with your friends?

 From article, (Google’s experimental product lab called Area 120 is currently testing a new system simply called Reply that will work with Google’s Hangouts and Allo, WhatsAppFacebook Messenger, Android Messages, Skype, Twitter direct messages and Slack.

The system can apparently work out what people are saying to you and suggest one-tap answers, but Google says it will go further, taking your location, your calendar and other bits of information into account. One example was using your location to send and instant response to “when can you be home?” using your preferred method of transport and the time it’ll take to wherever your home is.
Reply will also be able to tell everyone you’re on holiday, automatically checking your calendar and replying as appropriate. Plus it will have an advanced do not disturb mode that will silence your phone and tell people you can’t chat right now, but also scan incoming messages for important stuff so that “Reply can make sure to get your attention even when your phone is silent”. There will be no escape.)

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