Monday, February 12, 2018

The Essence of Long Term Funding Plan for the MTA

Everyone on the train: Andy and Bill converge on MTA cash

In testifying before the Legislature in Albany last Monday, Mayor de Blasio traveled quite a ways. And we don't mean the 150 miles from City Hall to the Capitol. In speaking before lawmakers, de Blasio moved toward accepting a desperately needed funding plan for the troubled subways by making street-clogging vehicles pay to drive into traffic-jammed parts of Manhattan.

From article, (In testifying before the Legislature in Albany last Monday, Mayor de Blasio traveled quite a ways. And we don’t mean the 150 miles from City Hall to the Capitol.

On the long-term funding, Fix NYC recommended three steps. One: In 2018, installing sensors and license plate readers, which will take 24 months. Two: In 2019, requiring a fixed surcharge on every taxi and Uber fare that traverses Manhattan south of 96th St. Three: In 2020, imposing a fee on all private vehicles driving south of 60th St.

De Blasio wants Step 2 to begin right away, to get the money flowing now. Excellent, provided that fares in all taxis and green cabs and Ubers and Lyfts and liveries pay the same modest surcharge, and provided it only apply to the Manhattan zone.

On the big enchilada, assessing a fee on private vehicles entering Manhattan, all of de Blasio’s objections have been satisfied.

He said he didn’t want tolls on the East River bridges. Check. He wants all the money just for transit in a locked fare box. Check and check.

He wants City Hall’s say-so on transit projects. Check. He wants accommodations for the poor and people with disabilities. Check and check.

In this new era of good feelings, Cuomo should agree to modify a budget measure letting the MTA collect a slice of city property tax when a transit project boosts a neighborhood’s value. Value capture can work, but the city must be fully on board from the start.

And he should stand down on language that puts all of the subway’s capital needs on the city’s ledger, which he says is just a reiteration of a 1953 deal. The state is primarily responsible for running the trains.

Finally, a new Regional Plan Association report on exorbitant overruns on big projects should get Lhota on the stick to finish his own study on controlling costs.
Labor and the construction industry might howl, but never mind. The public needs to see that its money will be well spent — especially if it’s being asked to pony up more.)

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