Thursday, February 8, 2018

South Australian Government Trying to keep the power flowing, with new seed money, for Pumped Storage Hydro Projects.

South Australia announces grants worth $8.7m for pumped hydro storage

Grants promised for feasibility studies into plants near Whyalla, Port Augusta and Port Germein The South Australian government is talking up the future of pumped hydro energy storage with grants announced for four projects before the 17 March election.

 From article, (The South Australian government is talking up the future of pumped hydro energy storage with grants announced for four projects before the 17 March election.

Grants ranging from $500,000 to $4.7m have been promised to conduct feasibility studies for pumped hydro power plants near Whyalla, Port Augusta and Port Germein.

“The cost of solar and wind is rapidly declining globally with the evolution of technology and economies of scale. However, without a viable large-scale storage solution this revolution is incomplete and unsustainable.”

The state’s energy minister, Tom Koutsantonis, said: “The key to lowering power prices in South Australia is boosting competition and these projects have the potential to dispatch cheap renewable energy when demand is high.”

The state’s energy minister, Tom Koutsantonis, said: “The key to lowering power prices in South Australia is boosting competition and these projects have the potential to dispatch cheap renewable energy when demand is high.”
$4.7m was granted towards a 230MW pumped hydro energy storage facility near Port Augusta. The plant would require $410m to be built.
A potential 225MW hydro project at Cultana, north of Whyalla, was given $500,000 towards a feasibility study and a $3m grant will go towards a possible $406m pumped hydro project north-east of Port Germein.)

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