Monday, February 19, 2018

How looking into the Eyes can Predict Diseases.

Google AI can predict heart disease by looking at pictures of the retina

I can look into your eyes to see straight to your heart. It may sound like a sappy sentiment from a Hallmark card. Essentially though, that's what researchers at Google did in applying artificial intelligence to predict something deadly serious: the likelihood that a patient will suffer a heart attack or stroke.

From article, (Google cautions that more research needs to be done. [But...]

Google [applied] artificial intelligence to predict something deadly serious: the likelihood that a patient will suffer a heart attack or stroke. 

According to the company, medical researchers have previously shown some correlation between retinal vessels and the risk of a major cardiovascular episode. Using the retinal image, Google says it was able to quantify this association and 70% of the time accurately predict which patient within five years would experience a heart attack or other major cardiovascular event, and which patient would not. Those results were in line with testing methods that require blood be drawn to measure a patient’s cholesterol.

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