Monday, January 16, 2017

How to look at Aging, an Extended Lifespan, and raking in money from your robot job fleet?

Me, "This is basically the problem. People look at a longer life as a curse, but there are so many advantages to it. We used to be born, be fathers and mothers at 14 and then grandparents at 30.
No one looks down on our amazingly, present day, increased life span, with a lot more people living well into their 90 thru 100. So, why should we just assume, that the fact is we have to die at some point? With all our brilliant researchers, why can't we kick the can of death further down the road? to the point that it is not necessary.
I am a big believer in Medicine, Vaccines and lots of research. I really see a time where we don't need to age. Age is what occurs when cells in our body divide and divide to replace older cells. As they divide the strands of DNA get smaller and errors start to occur leading to what we call aging. You fix those cells in such a way as to prevent those errors and you have the fountain of youth.
But some people are like: I don't want to work forever. I want to be able to retire and enjoy life!
There is no reason you shouldn't be able too. A longer life will come with it new rules for living it. For example, Let's say you worked from your 20s to 60's and are burned out? You retire, on saved up money for a number of years (Think of it as an extended vacation) and at some point when you feel rested, bored? You reenter the workforce for another long period with then another period off. This could be your way of dealing with a longer life.
Another is if robots become better at dealing with your job. You outsource your job to your robot or a fleet of robots and rack in the paychecks. All interesting ways of dealing with a longer life and the age of robot helpers.
All these shows about Vampires feeling horrible about not being able to die, life being meaningless without the possibility of death, or experimental drugs turning people into zombies does not have to be.

Life is what you make it. We should all see our world as leading to a utopia because we have instilled values pushing for it. The thing is a future utopia in Movies or Book stories seems boring. To create an interesting story you need conflict, hence, movies and books that make people think a longer life would be a bad thing. It doesn't have to be."

(Mr. Thiel has, however, used human growth hormones and he has signed up for cryogenics. “We have to be more experimental in all our medical procedures,” he says. “We should not go gently into that good night.”

I ask why everyone in Silicon Valley seemed so obsessed with immortality.

“Why is everyone else so indifferent about their mortality?” he replies.

He has invested in many biotech companies and has been advising the Trump transition team on science. “Science is technology’s older brother who has fallen on hard times,” he says. “I have some strong opinions on this. At the F.D.A. today, aging is still not an indication for disease. And you’re not allowed to develop drugs that could stop aging. We have not even started yet.”)

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