Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Falcon Heavy can launch probes as far as Pluto, Directly, and Beyond

Elon Musk Says SpaceX's Falcon Heavy Can Reach 'Pluto and Beyond'

Elon Musk's SpaceX had successfully tested its Falcon Heavy rocket, and Musk wants other countries and companies to join the space race.

 From article, (SpaceX boss Elon Musk wants to see “a new space race” after his company successfully tested its Falcon Heavy rocket.
The Falcon Heavy is capable of delivering very heavy packages into orbit—its first payload was one of Tesla’s Roadster cars—and Musk said after the test that it would be able to “launch things direct to Pluto and beyond.”
“Don’t even need gravity assist or anything,” he reportedly said. “You can go back to the moon.”
The hyper-entrepreneur said Falcon Heavy’s launch would “encourage other companies and countries” into a new wave of space competition.
Customers lined up to use the Falcon Heavy system include Arabsat, Inmarsat and Viasat. And then, of course, there’s Mars—SpaceX wants the Falcon Heavy to be the foundation for its Martian colonization plans.)

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