Friday, February 2, 2018

70% of Income Tax for New York State Comes from NYC, Westchester, Long Island and people who commute into NYC from elsewhere. Which is why NYC, Westchester, and Long Island, should hold more Voting Sway in Albany. When it comes to Funding the MTA, Which affects all downstaters, the Congestion Pricing and Retail Value Pricing Plans in Gov. Cuomo's plan should be voted Yes on. Anything, less, would mean we are being disenfranchised.

Where is more income tax collected: downstate or upstate NY?

More than two-thirds of income tax collected by New York state comes from downstate residents, the state’s budget chief said. "The reality is that 70 percent of the income tax that the state collects happens to come from Westchester, Nassau, Suffolk and New York City," state Budget Director Robert Mujica said in a radio interview.

From article, (More than two-thirds of income tax collected by New York state comes from downstate residents, the state’s budget chief said.
"The reality is that 70 percent of the income tax that the state collects happens to come from Westchester, Nassau, Suffolk and New York City," state Budget Director Robert Mujica said in a radio interview.
Is Mujica right that 70 percent of the state’s income tax revenue comes from the New York City area?

The state collected more than $47.5 billion in income taxes in the last fiscal year, according to the state Division of Budget.
About $19.2 billion, or 40 percent, came from New York City residents alone. Those in Westchester, Nassau, and Suffolk counties paid $12.1 billion in state income taxes.
The total for those in New York City and the three counties came to $31.3 billion, or 66 percent of the state total.
Another $7.8 billion came from non-residents who commuted into New York state for work. Most of those filers worked in New York City, according to a spokesperson from the agency.
If you add the revenue from non-residents to that of New York City, Westchester, and Long Island filers, the share increases to 82 percent of the state total.
The New York City region’s high share of income tax revenue shouldn’t come as a surprise, considering its population.
Close to 12.3 million people live in New York City, Westchester and on Long Island. That counts for about 62 percent of the state’s total population.
Residents in upstate counties, meanwhile, paid close to $8.4 billion in income taxes, or about 18 percent of the state total.
Mujica said "70 percent of the income tax that the state collects happens to come from Westchester, Nassau, Suffolk and New York City."
The actual number is somewhere between 66 percent and 82 percent, according to data from the state Division of Budget. Upstate counties only provide about 18 percent of the state’s income tax revenue.
We rate his claim True.)
Me, "NYS collected 47.5 Billion in Income About 19.2 Billion came from NYC. And, Westchester and Long Island contributed 12.1 Billion. Total? 31.3 Billion. 66% of NYS Income Tax. Another 7.8 Billion came from Out of State NYC Workers, pushing up Income Tax to 70%.
 Hey Albany? With all the money we send you, how about some love? When it comes to Funding the MTA thru Congestion Pricing and Retail Value Pricing, Vote Yes. Anything less would mean we are being disenfranchised."

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