Wednesday, February 28, 2018

29% of Britain's' Current Trains use Diesel fuel, Which grows the Carbon Footprint. UK wants to Electrify all its Railways.. But the cost is high. Instead they may use Battery and Hydrogen Powered Trains.

Government to phase out diesel trains by 2040

The Government has made a pledge to remove all diesel-only trains form UK railways by 2040. Total electrification of the railways was played down by Rail Minister Jo Johnson, who encouraged the use of bi-mode trains, which can switch from electric to diesel mid-journey.

 From article, (Total electrification of the railways was played down by Rail Minister Jo Johnson, who encouraged the use of bi-mode trains, which can switch from electric to diesel mid-journey.
The industry is also developing alternative fuel trains, using battery and hydrogen power.
“I would like to see us take all diesel-only trains off the track by 2040,” Johnson said. “If that seems like an ambitious goal – it should be and I make no apology for that.”
Transport overtook the power industry as the UK’s most emitting sector in 2016. The Government has sought to address the worsening situation, announcing proposals to ban all new petrol and diesel vehicles from 2040.
But efforts will also need to be taken in the rail sector. An estimated 29% of Britain’s current train fleet is run solely on diesel fuel, and the carbon footprint of rail has grown by one-third since 1999.
The Government was accused of “betraying” rail passengers last summer after scrapping plans to electrify three rail lines on the Midland Main Line, Great Western Main Line and in the Lake District.
Transport Secretary Chris Grayling said at the time that the Government would instead introduce bi-mode trains with more seats and better on-board facilities.
Johnson said yesterday that he would like to see hydrogen train trials on the UK railway “as soon as possible”.
“Hydrogen offers an affordable – and potentially much cleaner – alternative to diesel,” he said. “And the technology has developed fast in recent years.”
Northern is exploring the possibility of deploying alternative-fuel trains, such as battery or hydrogen-powered units, on the route by 2021.)

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