Wednesday, January 10, 2018

With Nissan selling 300,000 Leafs in 7 years, can it double that number in 3 and a half?

Nissan, the king of EVs, sells 300,000 Leafs in seven years

The first affordable mass-market electric vehicle remains the world's most popular.
From article, (Despite looking a little silly when it came out, the Nissan Leaf has become the world's best-selling electric car, with more than 300,000 of them flying out of showrooms since 2010.
The Leaf made a name for itself by being the first truly affordable, mass-produced electric vehicle. At a time when other manufacturers were merely dipping toes into the water with somewhat hastily designed electric versions of gasoline-powered cars, the Leaf was something entirely new and different.
If you weren't a hardcore electric vehicle nerd in 2010, the Nissan Leaf seemed kind of silly. It was odd-looking, its range was less than stellar and it wasn't exactly super cheap, particularly when compared to any of the well-established hybrids. Over the years though, with more EVs hitting the market at nearly every price, the Leaf has become a much more attractive option, particularly for the first-time EV owner.)

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