Tuesday, January 16, 2018

President Trump Should have cut off all the Aid. Maybe, if the Palestinians had no money, for anything, they would be more responsive to the peace process.


From article, (Human Rights Watch director Kenneth Roth on Monday called the US move “vindictive” and a “bullying tactic,” as he urged other governments to step in and fill the gap if the United States decides to definitely cut funding.

“It is vindictive for the US government to deprive the UN of money to feed and educate Palestinian children in order to blackmail the Palestinian Authority into rejoining Trump administration-led peace negotiations,” Roth said in a statement.)

Me, "But it is okay for the Palestinians to refuse to negotiate with Israel?
But it is okay for Palestinian schools to publicise dead terrorists by naming their schools after them?
But it is okay for Palestinian children to grow up and be used as human bombs?
No sir. President Trump is doing the only logical thing. Maybe, when the Palestinians have no money, to fund anything, they will be more responsive to a peace process. If you ask me? He should have cut off all the supposed aid."

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