Saturday, January 27, 2018

Google and Facebook are not Monopolies. They do have numerous slants on news, depending on what people are interested in writing about. This is like TV, and Radio News, which have Liberal or Conservative news stories and a writer writes for whichever one he wants.

George Soros Shares Opinion On Future Of Bitcoin, Facebook, Google

Legendary macro trader George Soros gave his remarks on the future of Bitcoin, Facebook, and Google at the annual World Economic Forum on Thursday. There's no denying that cryptocurrencies have had an incredible effect on the worldwide financial scene.

From article, (George Soros went on to discuss the negative influence of Internet giants like Google and Facebook, labeling them an obstacle to innovation and warning that they could have devastating consequences on the functioning of democracy.
“Social media companies influence how people think and behave without them even being aware of it. This has far-reaching adverse consequences on the functioning of democracy, particularly on the integrity of elections,” said Soros.
Soros is the founder of the Open Society Foundations, which he created to support democracy and human rights around the world. He stated that social media companies deliberately seek to make their services addictive, which is “very harmful, particularly for adolescents.”)

Me, "I disagree. Internet giants, like Google, do control some of the news they disperse to users, but it is controlled by popularity. If people find a news item interesting, it moves up the ranks to the top. There is nothing wrong with this. In fact, it is a good way to see what the populus is interested in, and to comment on it. If Google was a monopoly, this news article, would never have made it out, to criticise Google or Facebook. 
As for Facebook. Once again, Facebook relies on its users to see what is the most important news item to them and includes it in its news feeds. Without Facebook, sharing would not have been a reliable way of getting the word out to people about personal and popular news. As long as you keep in mind that Google and Facebook are listing popular, personal and public news with algorithms, just like TV news or Radio news, with there liberal or conservative leanings, Google and Facebook will continue to be a popular place to get important news." 

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