Monday, January 29, 2018

Cross Harbor Freight Tunnel to take 30 years to build? Or, to never be built? It's just another, in a long line of transportation projects, waiting to be funded.

Another 30-year wait for completion of the Cross-Harbor Freight Tunnel?

There is only $70 million for advancing an environmental study along with preliminary design and engineering for the Cross-Harbor Freight Tunnel within the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey 2017 - 2026 Capital Plan. This leaves a $9.930 billion shortfall to complete this project.
From article, (The proposed Cross-Harbor Freight Tunnel may be just another in the continuing series of feasibility studies and environmental reviews sponsored by various governmental agencies and public officials over decades. They generate some money for consultants along with free publicity for elected officials who promise a bright future but all too often move on to another public office before delivering. Taxpayers are frequently left holding an empty bag with unfilled promises. 

There is only $70 million for advancing an environmental study along with preliminary design and engineering for the Cross-Harbor Freight Tunnel within the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey 2017 - 2026 Capital Plan. This leaves a $9.930 billion shortfall to complete this project. Manhattan-Brooklyn Congress member Jerald Nadler claims that there is real progress for his favorite Cross-Harbor Freight Tunnel project. This doesn't add up if you look at past history. This project has been championed by Congress member Nadler as his number one transportation priority for almost thirty years. After all that time, it has yet to progress beyond the federal National Environmental Protect Act review process. In theory, it might move thousands of trucks on a daily basis off the roads and on to railroad tracks for significant portions of the journey between New Jersey and Long Island.

Construction of any new freight, public transportation tunnel or bridge project can take years, if not decades, by the time all feasibility studies, environmental reviews, planning, design, engineering, real estate acquisition, permits, procurements, construction, budgeting, identifying and securing funding is completed. 

 It is wishful thinking that the Port Authority can count on billions in future federal funding to make up the difference. Don't be surprised in waiting another 30 years until future Port Authority ten year 2027 - 2036 and 2037 - 2046 Capital Plans are approved before a complete $10 billion or more funding package is in place. This is necessary to support awarding construction contracts.)

For More Info

Me, "This is what happens when you have a lot of great transportation projects, but very little money to move them along."

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