Friday, January 26, 2018

A way to Treat Pancreatic Cancer Found. Uses common flu. Works on Mice. Can it Work in Humans?

Flu virus could be used to treat pancreatic cancer, researchers find

A modified form of the common flu virus has been reprogrammed to hunt down and attack pancreatic cancer tumours, but leave healthy cells unharmed. Scientists were also able to show that the virus could be injected into the bloodstream to kill cancer cells, which may have spread to other parts of the body in more advanced forms of the disease.

 From article, (A modified form of the common flu virus has been reprogrammed to hunt down and attack pancreatic cancer tumours, but leave healthy cells unharmed.
Scientists were also able to show that the virus could be injected into the bloodstream to kill cancer cells, which may have spread to other parts of the body in more advanced forms of the disease.
“The new virus specifically infects and kills pancreatic cancer cells, causing few side effects in nearby healthy tissue,” said lead author, Dr Stella Man, from Barts Cancer Institute at Queen Mary University London (QMUL), who described it as “selective and effective”.
The team say that the advance could become a promising treatment for one of the most aggressive forms of cancer.
“Viruses are nature’s nanotechnology,” according to Professor Gerard Evan, lead pancreatic cancer researcher at Cancer Research UK, who was not involved in this study. He said harnessing viruses to target key cells is now an “exciting avenue” for research.
A study earlier this month showed viruses can be tailored to attack brain tumours, which are hard to reach with other treatments and drugs.
The latest study, published in Molecular Cancer Therapeutics,explored whether viruses could be similarly effective in hard-to-treat pancreatic tumours.
The team used mice that had human pancreatic cells grafted onto them and a version of the influenza virus that had been tweaked to react to one of the unique markers of pancreatic cancer.
These cancer cells have a molecule, alpha v beta 6, that is not found in healthy human cells, and the virus was modified to have a receptor-protein molecule on its outer cell that lets it detect and bind to these cells.
Once a virus binds to a cell it injects its genetic material into it and replicates, forming lots of new virus copies which replicate and burst out to infect more cells – in this case the remaining tumour cells.
The researchers say their new technique has produced the most selective viral cancer therapy seen to date, which allows it to be safely injected to spread around the body.
Around 9,800 patients are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the UK each year, and just 5 per cent of patients will still be alive five years later – the lowest survival rate of any cancer.
Dr Man added: “If we manage to confirm these results in human clinical trials, then this may become a promising new treatment for pancreatic cancer patients, and could be combined with existing chemotherapy drugs to kill persevering cancer cells.”
Independent experts warned that the findings, which only looked at mice, would need to be replicated in humans but said it was exciting to see viruses could be reprogrammed to selectively kill tumour cells in this way.)

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