Sunday, June 11, 2017

The Holy Grail for Electric Cars

From article, (“Instead of refining petroleum, the refiners would reprocess spent electrolytes and instead of dispensing gas, the fueling stations would dispense a water and ethanol or methanol solution as fluid electrolytes to power vehicles,” Cushman said. “Users would be able to drop off the spent electrolytes at gas stations, which would then be sent in bulk to solar farms, wind turbine installations or hydroelectric plants for reconstitution or re-charging into the viable electrolyte and reused)

Me, "It sounds like a way for the gasoline industry to save money by reusing current gasoline infrastructure to power an electric car. You would create a liquid electrolyte substance at a refinery, (water, and ethanol, or methanol solution) that can use current Gasoline infrastructure: Pipelines, Refineries, Gasoline tanker trucks, gas stations, and new solar and wind plants, to power electric cars.
There would still need to be a way of pumping out the used liquid substance. 
Maybe a grate under the car, to allow the electrolyte to be released into a gas station holding tank, like they do during oil changes. Then like gasoline, pump, the new recharged liquid electrolyte into the electric cars fuel tank. The used liquid substance that is collected, is returned to a recharging center to start the process again. (A Solar or Wind Farm.)
This idea seems to solve the recharge time issue, Battery life, and it reuses the Gasoline infrastructure. (Which saves the gasoline industries current investments.) Gasoline stations would need a few tweaks to it, instead of having to find places to plug in and wait for a recharge you would continue going to your local gas station.
It would reduce the cost of an electric car because no longer would you be forced to buy the most expensive part of an electric car, the battery. With this process you never have to worry about the battery ever going bad because every fill up is like getting a new battery.
What the researchers need to do, if this process is to get put in to production, is to get a major car manufacturer on board and the current oil industry on board. If they get a major car manufacturer to produce electric cars that use this system, then just by economics, the cost of the battery will be 0 and so the cost of an electric car will be much less. If this turns out to be the correct way to go, other car companies would get on board.
There is no way this system will pan out without major car companies on board and oil companies on board."
But this could be a way of saving the oil industries assets, refineries, and gas station infrastructure  and making electric cars cheaper then they are today. Even cheaper than (ICE) Internal combustion engines cars. The price could even end up being as low as an (ICE) motorcycle."
'Instantly rechargeable' battery could change the future of electric and hybrid automobiles

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