Sunday, January 22, 2017

Oil Energy Independence, in recent years, is possible. It just depends on...

Me, "Oil Energy Independence, in recent years, is possible. It just depends on the price of Oil. If it is more expensive per barrel, more oil companies will develop Oil Shale fields with new fracking technology. Just recently a huge Oil Shale field was found in Texas, a state thought to be on the way out of oil production. New fracking technology makes this field developable. But... 
It's all about the price of oil. U.S. consumers like it when the price of oil is down. It means less prices for gasoline at the pump. But it also makes it uneconomical to drill new oil wells. 
Not too long ago, North Dakota had so much oil on its hands that it pleaded, and got, from the Obama administration, the right to export oil again.
If new refineries were built, more oil shale was sent to them, thru new transporting pipeline, energy independence would be possible."   

(President Donald Trump’s pledge to make America independent from OPEC isn’t a new refrain in Washington.
His “America First Energy Plan” posted on the White House website Friday doesn’t echo just his own campaign pledges but also President George W. Bush’s vow to cut imports from the Middle East when he famously said the nation was “addicted to oil.” Shipments from OPEC rose 10 percent during Bush’s time in office.
It’s not an easy task. It would mean replacing about 3 million barrels a day of imports. That’s about three times as much as East Coast refineries consume.
President Trump’s goal may not be completely unobtainable as U.S. oil production has been on the rise and signs point toward possible energy independence. To achieve that, though, the country may need to reconsider a push for exports that was supported by Republicans. Since scrapping restriction on sales to countries other than Canada at the end of 2015, U.S. crude exports have risen to more than 700,000 barrels a day.)

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