Tuesday, December 20, 2016

A New Construction Project for Elon

Me, "Elon Musk seems serious about tunneling."

(Musk had even suggested the tunnel idea a little more seriously almost a year ago, during a question-and-answer session after the awards ceremony for a competition to design passenger pods for the hyperloop.
"It's a really simple and obvious idea and I wish more people would do it: build more tunnels," Musk said after the ceremony on January 30, 2016. "Tunnels are great. It's just a hole in the ground, it's not that hard. But if you have tunnels in cities you would massively alleviate congestion and you could have tunnels at all different levels; you could probably have 30 layers of tunnels and completely fix the congestion problem in high-density cities. So, I strongly recommend tunnels.")

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