Wednesday, December 14, 2016

It Is A Start.

Picture from,

From article, "Amazon Prime Air's delivery by drone just became a reality"

(Rush orders just got a whole lot speedier.
Amazon on Wednesday said it has delivered its first Prime Air order. Last week, one of the company's drones dropped off an Amazon Fire TV and bag of popcorn in the backyard of a customer near Cambridge, England -- 13 minutes after the customer ordered it online.)

Me, "I can't tell you how important commercial drones will become. They will be the predecessor of flying cars. All the flying regulations that will be created for them: where they can fly, how high, what do they have to avoid, where can they land, how will they be insured in case of an accident, etc., will all be created because of them. It seems the UK seems more friendly to Amazon about starting test flights and real flights. The problem with ordering things online is how long they take to ship to the person ordering them. True, not everything on Amazon will be able to ship this way. But its a start."
Continuing from artice, (The UK program, still in a private beta, aims to drop off a package in 30 minutes or less after you place an order. Customers can order from thousands of items seven days a week during daylight hours, weather permitting.
The project has started with just two customers in the UK, but Amazon plans to expand participation to dozens of customers living several miles from its UK facility and hopes to eventually expand to hundreds more. At least for the private test phase, these customers won't have to pay any additional shipping costs; no word on whether that could change as the program grows.)
Me, ";-)"

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